
Management prioritisation is influenced by many factors. Key factors are the impact and extent of the problem. The known effects of the species in other areas also influences prioritisation.

Other external factors such as critical work, government priorities, availability of funding, and more pressing problems will all influence prioritisation. These are often situational and are not discussed here. However, in the critical situations described below, extra effort should be made to prioritise ant problems.

Definition of priorities:

species initial detection spread to new areas sudden increase in numbers widespread at low numbers in conservation area marked impacts
little fire ant critical  urgent urgent non-urgent critical urgent
red imported fire ant critical  urgent  urgent non-urgent critical   urgent
yellow crazy ant  urgent  non-urgent urgent  non-urgent urgent  urgent 
African big-headed ant  urgent  non-urgent  urgent  non-urgent urgent  urgent 
Argentine ant urgent  non-urgent  urgent non-urgent urgent urgent 
13 other problem ants urgent non-urgent urgent non-urgent non-urgent urgent

Note that the above suggestions are guidelines for the minimum recommended response. We also recommend that eradication should be considered as a goal for all initial detections of the five worst threat species.

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